Member Of The Month: Mauri Nelson
When you think of Member of the month?

What words come to mind; commitment,
dedication, consistency, improvement. All of these words describe Mauri Nelson, the last few weeks she has shown up and crushed it, we love seeing her for open gym every Tuesday. We can tell she is committed to reaching her goals. We thought it was only fitting to Feature her this month, we loved getting to interview her and learn a little more about her life and goals.
1. Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in Myrtle Beach? I was born in Virginia and moved to MB when I was 2. After high school, I lived in Utah for about ten years and moved back to MB in 2003 with my husband. Our kids have all been born and raised here and my parents and one sister and her family live here. I never thought I would have a reason to come back to MB, but I enjoy it.
2. How long have you been a member at Finish Strong? I started at FS in June 2014, I think. With just a few breaks due to work schedule and pregnancy, I’ve been pretty steady since then.
3. What motivates you? Working out is sometimes the one thing I do in a day that’s just for me. It makes me feel better, and I try really hard to protect that time and space in my day.
4. Favorite time to workout? 8:10 after I get my kids off to school but before the rest of the day gets started.
5. I know you are participating in the Little Black Dress, how is it going so far? It’s a helpful motivator. It focuses my intention and keeps me from making too many little concessions that add up over the course of the day.
6. What is your favorite quote or life motto? By small and simple things are great things brought to pass. It seems to apply to every aspect of my life right now.
7. What is your favorite guilty and healthy snack? Healthy—Apples and peanut butter are always a treat. Guilty—I guess I have to say the birthday banana pudding that’s in this picture.
8. If you won the lottery what would you do with the money? Hmm...probably all the things I do with money now but on a larger scale. Save, invest, spend, give. And travel more. Okay, and hire a healthy chef to feed me all the right foods.
9. What advice would you give someone thinking about joining Finish Strong? I think it’s the best workout in town. It’s helpful to remember that you can just adapt the workout to your ability and get your best workout every day.
10. If you had to choose 100 warrior sit-ups or 50 burpees? I would never choose to do 50 burpees, so 100 sit-ups it is.