Feature Friday: Robyn Polk

1. Where are you originally from
and how long have you lived in Myrtle Beach?
I'm originally from Shreveport, LA. I've lived in Myrtle Beach for the last 16 years.
2. What made you decide to join Finish Strong? I met Molly at a soccer game about 3 years ago and she told me about Finish Strong. It sounded fun and challenging and so I started.
3. Favorite time to workout? 5:10 AM Bright and early!
4. What do you like most about Finish Strong? I love that the workouts are always different, the trainers push you, the 5:10 ladies are such a great encouraging group of ladies. I enjoy the challenges. I've always worked out but this is different, I feel stronger than I've felt in years.
5. What is your favorite exercise? Any leg exercises
6. Have you gone on any vacations this year? Not really, lots of stay-cations and some short trips to Charleston and south Georgia.
7. If you won the lottery and had to donate half of it to a charity; which would you choose and why? I'm not sure about a specific charity, anything to benefit children/education.
8. What is something we wouldn't know about you? I really like arranging flowers. I did the flowers for a friend's wedding, I was so nervous but it was really fun too. I love looking for shark's teeth too.
9. If you had to choose 50 burpees or 100 warrior sit-ups? 50 burpees
10. What advice would you give something thinking about joining FS? Go for it. You won't be sorry. This is a wonderful, supportive and encouraging community of people that challenge you in a way that brings out the strongest version of you. It doesn't matter what your exercise experience is, my kids have taken classes and my parents participate regularly in classes too.