Feature Friday: Amy Roberts

1. Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in Myrtle Beach? I am originally from Mechanicsville, VA (just outside Richmond) but have been in the Carolina's for over 20 years and in Myrtle since 2007.
2. How long have you been a member at Finish Strong? I started way back in 2014 when we met at the stadium. My work BFF (Stephanie Yarborough) and I signed up together. A lot has changed since then!
3. What made you decide to join? That was so long ago! I can only assume it was because I was tired of feeling fluffy. Now, I am realizing how much harder it is to maintain your weight as you age!
4. Favorite time to workout? Currently, 7:10am. But it changes with the seasons.
5. What is your favorite challenge you have participated in at Finish Strong? Hands down: Little Black Dress. I’m not very competitive so the personal accountability works for me and I LOVE the support and extra work outs that come along with LBD.
6. Favorite restaurant? Ciao. But I love to cook so I would rather be at home making something.
7. How do you relax after a long day? A vodka drink, a fire in the fireplace and jazz or classical music on the record player. I’m an old soul.
8. Have you gone on any vacations this year? We don’t have anything planned yet, but trying to focus on more long weekends away this year instead of a big trip.
9. If you won the lottery what would you do with the money? In a minute, I would buy an RV, load up the family and drive cross country while we home schooled. It’s been a dream of mine for years to be a vagabond. There is so much out there to see and explore.
10. What advice would you give someone thinking about joining Finish Strong? So many things! Schedule your classes into your day just like any other appointment. If you don’t make it a priority, then it won’t be. Also, we all start somewhere. Your journey is your own! Also, find your tribe. Those ladies in the picture are part of mine. I could do this without them but I am FAR more successful with them!
11. If I say burpee challenge, whats the first word that comes to mind? Go! (this answer totally depends on the day of the week and my mood though!)