Feature Friday: Mary Madison

1. Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in Myrtle Beach? I was born in Austin, Texas, where my dad was stationed while serving in the U.S. Army. But, we moved to Myrtle Beach when I was 1 year old, and other than going away to College and Law School, I have lived here ever since.
2. What made you decide to join Finish Strong? My sister in law, Elizabeth Brittain had been going to FS and she would talk about it all the time, and tell me how amazing the workouts were, but I always told her that the times didn't work for me because of my kids and my crazy work schedule. Then Amanda Anthony told me that she was teaching a class at 12:15 during lunch time and she really wanted me to come, and I did-- and I have been working out during my lunch break ever since!
3. What do you like most about FS? I like so many things about Finish Strong!! I really like the schedule and lunch time classes, and I love all of the trainers. They are all super encouraging and extremely knowledgeable and make you feel comfortable even if you don't know what you are doing!
4. What is your favorite time to workout? Lunch time! I love taking a break from work and exercising; my job is pretty stressful, and it allows me to clear my mind for 50 minutes in the middle of the day and then afterwards I am ready to tackle the remainder of my work day!
5. What made you decide to go into law? My dad is a lawyer, so I grew up around it; I knew many, many lawyers and certainly witnessed my fair share of trials, so the field of law was very familiar to me. But, I also have a passion for helping people and for solving problems, which as a lawyer I get to do everyday; and while it can be stressful, I really do enjoy it!
6. What is something we wouldn't know about you? I think some people know this, but I am a vegetarian, and have been for 30 years (Since I was 8 years old)!! I do not eat meat, chicken, Fish, turkey or seafood. I will eat eggs, but only egg whites, or eggs that are cooked in something. So, getting enough protein is a constant battle for me!
7. Have you gone on any vacations this year? I have been on 2 vacations this year. Drew and I went to the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC with my law school friends, in January. And we took our kids to Disney World (if that counts as a vacation) in February!
8. If you won the lottery and had to donate half to charity which would you choose and why? I would choose the Make a Wish Foundation because they do so many amazing things for children, and I certainly have a soft spot for children.
9. Favorite restaurant? Umbertos at Barefoot Landing. Amazing Italian food, which is definitely my favorite food.
10. If someone is thinking about joining FS what adivce would you give them? I would say do it! Find a class at a time that works for you, that you think you can consistently attend, and try it! And communicate with the trainers, tell them what you have and have not done before, what you are nervous about. I promise they will help you!!!
11. If you had to choose 50 burpees or 100 warrior sit-ups? That's a difficult choice; I would have to say 100 warrior-sit ups because I REALLY hate burpees!!!