Feature Friday: Maryann Gaddy

1. Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in Myrtle Beach? born and raised in Charlotte and have been in Myrtle beach for 3 years.
2. What made you decide to join Finish Strong? I got to know a few good friends who workout there and were very encouraging (of course after me complaining about my weight haha)
3. What is your favorite time to workout? favorite time to workout is 9:10
4. What is your favorite thing about Finish Strong so far? I love the most how encouraging and kind everyone is, whether you know them or not everyone makes you feel like you CAN do it and no one makes you feel bad about yourself. I especially love the great trainers we have!
5. What is your favorite restaurant? favorite lunch spot sea captains house and dinner Crave
6. What do you like to do after a long day to relax? after a long day I love to sit outside with my family and a glass of red wine.
7. If you had to choose: 50 burpees or 100 warrior sit-ups? sit ups for sure!!!
8. If you had to choose which would you pick: stylist, chef or housekeeper? all 3! Haha, a stylist!
9. What is something we don't know about you? I am very shy at first and resistant to change, so showing up the first time was so nerve wracking and hard for me, but with the support of an awesome team and great ladies I’ve been able to stick with it and now I am hooked!
10. What advice would you give someone thinking about joining FS? don’t wait and put it off, go now and you won’t regret it