Feature Friday: Priya Patel

1. Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in Myrtle Beach?
I moved from Charlotte, NC almost 10 years ago right after I got married. My husband has been in Myrtle Beach all his life.
2. What made you decide to join Finish Strong? Debbie Jumper who is a fellow member convinced me to try it out. I'm so glad I did because I have loved every thing about Finish Strong since the first day.
3. What is your favorite time to workout?
5:15 am I like to knock it out first thing in the morning. (That and I also have to be at work at 8:00)
4. What do you like most about Finish Strong? I like that I have never had the same workout twice.
5. Favorite Exercise? Hmm, can I pick the worst? Okay, my favorite would have to be squats.
6. Have you gone on any vacations this year? Earlier in the year I went to Napa with some girlfriends and for Spring break we went on the Disney cruise. The summer has revolved around us moving into a new house so we have stayed put the last few months.
7. What is something we wouldn't know about you? I am very OCD about certain things to the extent I even drive myself crazy.
8. Favorite Challenge at Finish Strong you have participated in? Black Dress Challenge, I became more aware of the foods I was eating.
9. If I say burpee challenge; what's the first word that comes to mind? (RUN!!)..
10. What advice would you give someone thinking about joining Finish Strong? I would advise anyone to just come and try a class. I promise they will DEF be back! Once they see the camaraderie and the support from all the other members and trainers, it would be hard not to join.
11. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? Invest and travel.