Feature Friday Trainer: Amanda Anthony

1. Where are you originally from?
Newberry, SC moved to Myrtle Beach around age 9 for my dads job! So been here a while...
2. How long have you been a member of Finish Strong?
About 5 1/2 years ago..
3. Why did you decide to become a Trainer?
Fitness and health has always been a passion. I enjoy coaching others, helping them reach their goals and being a cheerleader for them along the way.
4. What is your favorite exercise?
Cross body mountain climbers
5. What is your favorite music to listen to during a workout?
Anything upbeat, Paralyzer by finger 11 is definitely one of my favorites.
6. Favorite food?
Definitely pizza
7. Favorite vacation spot?
Dominican Republic
8. If you could hire one of the following which would you choose: Chef, Housekeeper or Personal Stylist? I would say Stylist, because I am terrible at fashion.
9. Do you have any personal fitness advice you could give?
Get a hold of your nutrition, it is the key to success.