Feature Friday Trainer: Laura Davis

1. Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in MB? I am originally from Atlanta and I've been here for almost 4 years! Hard to believe!
2. How long have you been a member at finish strong? I joined January of 2015!
3. Why did you decide to instruct classes?
The idea of helping other women find what I found when I first started bootcamp was why I pursued instructing. I get such joy out of seeing women work so hard to better themselves and their lives! It's something I noticed when I worked out along side of them, but see in a different way now that I'm instructing. To know that I helped kick start someone's day, week or weekend makes me proud. Also, I feel like the women in our community need someone who is real. I work out next to these ladies and they know I am not superwoman. I struggle and I understand how hard it is on some days to even show up, let alone perform on point! I think that's important for people to see.
4. What is your favorite time to workout? Morning for sure. 7:15 is a great time for me...I never thought I'd say that because I haven't always been a morning person, lol!
5. Have you taken any vacation this year? I haven't really been able to vaca this year... but I so need it!
6.What do you like about BOOTCAMP workouts? I love the mixture! All of the instructors do our best to never repeat the same workout. I love the feeling you get showing up to a class having no idea what to expect for the next 45 minutes. From the instructor side, I get a kick out of seeing the women anxiously awaiting me telling them what we will be doing that session. Finish Strong does an amazing job keeping it different, fun and challenging!
7. What is your favorite music to workout to? 90's and 00's hip hop...
8. What gets you out of bed in the morning? Just knowing that others are waking up to get their workouts in bright and early is enough to motivate me. I used to never be a morning workout person. As a mom of 2, I had to make that adjustment. Once I'm up, I'm good! I look forward to seeing the other women who have made that early morning adjustment as well! We all love starting our days off next to one another sweating it out!
9. What is your go to healthy snack? I've really started liking the mini sweet peppers. They are crunchy and i like to dip them in the O'Dang Hummus Greek dressing.
10. If you had to choose- 50 burpees or 100 warrior sit-ups? burpees...but I would take my sweet time completing them though!
11. What are some things people may not know about you? Well, I'm kind of an open book, lol! I guess one thing is that I can't stand cooking! I would love to have someone show up for every meal and just say "here you go...eat this"! I totally would! Also, I take shortcuts because I never have all the ingredients and I don't want to go out and get them! I moved here from Atlanta and I do not miss that traffic! We came to be close to family and water. We were feeing so land locked. We are so happy we made that change!Speaking of making a change, I like change. I thrive off of change! I get bored easily and I am not scared of change at all. I welcome it!
12. What advice would you give someone just starting a healthier/fitness lifestyle? Start simple. Strive to workout 3 times a week and stick to easy ingredient recipes. Also, make a friend! Accountability helps!
13. What is your favorite thing about Finish Strong? The people for sure! Everyone brings something different and I love that! We have some super BA trainers who are so knowledgeable and who CARE....you aren't going to get lost in the mix. When you start coming regularly, you are a part of the family. And when you don't come, people notice.... because we care. Recently, I had surgery on my wrist. I can't even begin to tell you how many people have been there checking on me, bringing my family food, visiting me and have been mentally supportive. It's easy to let that dark place creep up when you are injured and are stuck at home, but our members aren't letting that happen to me and I am forever grateful!