Feature Member Friday: Tali Elia

1. Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in MB?
Born and raised in Myrtle!
2. How did you hear about Finish Strong & what made you decide to join?
I heard about Finish Strong from two of my good friends that also go here and they convinced me to join!
I definitely needed something new to make me excited about working out again.
3. How are you enjoying the beginner classes so far?
Loving the beginner classes! They are very challenging so I'm excited to work my way up to go to the regular classes!
4. What is your favorite time to workout?
When I'm doing more intense workouts, like boot camp, I like to do them in the morning! Feels good to get it over with and start your day out with energy! But I like to do yoga in the afternoon to wind down after work!
5. Have you taken any vacation this year?
Not yet, I wish!
6. What is your favorite music to workout to?
I don't think I really have a favorite!! Maybe rap!
7. What is your go to guilty snack?
Chick-Fil-A french fries.
8. If you could hire one of the following: Chef, Housekeeper, or Live in stylist, which would you chose and why?
Chef for sure! I love to eat at home, but sometimes I just don't feel like cooking!
9. If you had to choose between 50 burpees or 100 warrior sit-ups, which would you choose?
100 warrior sit-ups! I hateeeeee burpees with a passion.
10. How do you relax after a long day?
Yoga! Or if I'm being a bum-netflix and cuddling with my pup.
11. Tell us something interesting about yourself?
I have a swimwear line, H2oh Swim. Its definitely something I love and am very proud of.
Hate for my job to be the most interesting thing about me, but I never know what to say for this!