Feature Member Friday: Karen Pillow

1. Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in Myrtle Beach?
I am originally from outside of Atlanta. My father grew up in Myrtle Beach but moved away when my mom was pregnant with me. Mom and Dad moved back about 13 years ago. We have been here 7 years this summer and eventually got my sis and her family along with us!!!
2. What made you decide to join FS?
Motivation is a problem for me. I can talk myself out of anything!! I can do anything when I put my mind to it.... but.... I have to really want it! Finish strong is that balance for me. I don’t feel negative pressure and there is a perfect amount of positive. I actually want to go and want to go and get stronger.
3. What is your favorite time to workout?
I love working out at 9:15 but like I said, I can talk myself out of anything. So, it’s usually 5:15!
4. What is your favorite quote or motto to live by?
I’ve never been moved by quotes (although I love them!). The only one that hit me in the face is:
Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. Unknown
This is so true to me. Life is never going to be free of conflict, sadness or hard work. We need to realize that, embrace it and live with it while loving life. That is peace to me.
5. What do you like most about FS so far?
I love FS because I can go and get my workout in “quick.” Laugh, feel strong and positive and leave happy. I love all the trainers (even my lil sis, Laura. haha). I am having to improvise after breaking my leg last year and all I feel is support, not shame!
6. What is your ideal vacation?
Not going to be shy- laying on the beach with lots of food and drinks!!!! Throw in a little adventure and lots of outdoor naps!
7. If you could hire one of the following, which one would you choose: Personal Chef? Live in housekeeper? or Personal makeup artist/stylist?
I would love a chef and a housekeeper but I am very hands on and would have to be side by side with both! Almost every time I have had my house cleaned, I have joined in and helped!
8. We love all your photography, your photos are gorgeous! What made you decide to start this?
Thank you! I have been shooting for 17 years, starting out with a 35 mm and film! I have been paying bills with photography for almost 15 years now. I had a fabulous clientele and Georgia before we moved. When we moved here I never fully started my business because I discovered life with my children and family without being glued to a computer. Photographing children is my passion. I am slowly getting my business started back up after my injury. I am focused on the types of photography I am passionate about. Recently, I recruited my friend, Harriet Charles, to work with me on a flower crown mini session for little girls. It has definitely sparked my creativity and I feel like I am ready to get back at it! If I put this here, maybe I will be held accountable to finish it .... I have no website right now and my FB biz page is not updated. I recently opened an IG account for my business (it is bare bones now) Go follow!!! @picturelilyphotography
9.What is your favorite guilty snack?
Guilty snack... I’m not sure I have one. Not a real snacker! I just love my morning coffee with coconut creamer and my Chardonnay.
10. What is something we wouldn't know about you?
I am such an open book... just asked my daughter, Lily, and she can’t think of anything either!
If I could snap my fingers and have a medical degree, I would be a pediatrician. I have always wanted to go on a mission trip and work with kids in need. Hopefully that is in my future. Oh! And be an Uber driver when I want to be. Hahahahaha!
11. If I say "burpee challenge" whats the first word that comes to mind?
Sh*t! Just kidding! I am slowly learning to appreciate burpees. Slowly.