Feature Friday Couple: Meet Caroline and Jamie Hills

1. Where are you both originally from?
We are both originally from Myrtle Beach, fun fact both were born at Grand Strand Hospital.
2. How long have each of you been at member at Finish Strong?
Caroline: "I joined in February of 2016 & Jamie joined shortly after in the summer of 2016."
3. How did you meet one another?
Jaime and I met on top of a cock-a-boose at a USC football game in Columbia, SC.
4. What's something that you think you each have had the most improvement on during class?
We have improved our stamina, both mentally and physically! Between weight lifting, cardio workouts, and the field... we feel faster and stronger!
5. What is it like doing boot camp with your significant other? Is there a little competition at times?
Jamie and I attend the 6:15 a.m. classes together. We have always been competitive but now we can push one another! It is so much fun to work in a group environment and encourage one another to lift a little heavier, run a little faster, and hold that plank for a few seconds longer. We have different strengths and weaknesses in the gym but we always leave feeling like winners! Competition has always been a part of our relationship but this has made our marriage stronger.
6. Where was your last vacation?
We took a mini vacation to Washington, D.C. over MLK weekend. We walked over 10 miles one day taking in the mall and other parts of the city. We also took a Zengo class - great fun!
7. What is both of your's idea of a relaxing day?
We have differing opinions of what "relaxing" means. For me, relaxing means laying out by a pool, on a dock or at the beach. For Jamie, it means an uninterrupted day of working in his garage with his tools.
8. Do you have any pets?
We have two dogs, Cassidy (14) and Waldo (2). They keep us busy and VERY active. Cassidy is our rescue and the protector of the house. She is a Labrador and Australian Sheppard mix. Although she is very sweet we should have named her Alpha for her need to rule. Waldo is an Irish Setter and still very much a puppy. He is the sweetest dog you will ever meet and his name suits him perfectly!
9. Do each of you have a favorite quote?
The majority of quotes that we choose to live by come from the Bible. Our personal favorite was spoken at our wedding: 1 John 4:16 "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."
10. What is each of your's favorite thing about Finish strong?
My favorite thing about Finish Strong is having a team! We support each other and help one another grow. It is our escape and a huge part of our mental and physical health! Endorphins are REAL!
11. What is the first word that comes to mind for each of you if I say "burpee challenge"?
Burpee Challenge: "Nooooooooo" and "Can I do warrior sit ups instead?"