Feature Member Friday: Emily Post

1. Where are you originally from?
Marion, South Carolina
2. When did you move to Myrtle Beach?
May 1995
3. How long have you been a member at Finish Strong?
I'm a member of the awesome "beginner class." Just joined a couple weeks ago
4. What made you decide to join finish strong?
I am ready to make positive changes in my life and make fitness a priority. I used to work out with Molly before she opened Finish Strong, so I know that this is where I should be to get the help and motivation I need to reach my goals.
5. Where did you go on vacation this year?
Oak Island, North Carolina. I travel a lot of weekends for soccer with my boys and we are overdue for a family vacation!
6. Do you have any pets?
Mario is my 7 year old rescue tabby and Sunny is my 5 year old Westie
7. What is your idea of a fun night?
Dinner with my Husband or girlfriends and I always have so much fun at one of those Wine and Design painting classes.
8. Favorite workout/challenge you have ever done at Finish Strong?
I enjoy the variation of all the workouts, and I especially like when I have a partner throughout the session.
9. What is your favorite music to workout to?
Anything upbeat
10. What is your favorite restaurant?
Joe's Bar and Grill
11. If you could hire a stylist, chef or maid, which would you hire?
Definitely a chef.... I'm not a very impressive chef.
12. What is your favorite thing about Finish Strong?
Being encouraged by other class members and the trainers
13. If you had to choose between 50 burpees or 100 warrior sit-ups, which would you choose?
Um.... warrior sit-ups. Not 100% sure which type of sit-up that is, but it's not burpees.
14. How do you relax after a long day?
Watch Tv or read a book
15. Do you have any hobbies?
I enjoy craft and decorating projects