Feature Friday: Meet Member Jessica Pelkey

1. Where are you originally from?
Born and raised in Virginia Beach, VA.
2. When did you move to Myrtle Beach?
July 2007.
3. How long have you been a member of Finish Strong?
I think I started spring of 2014? Way before Molly had a studio when we were on the football field, or grass near baseball fields or Skate Park.
4. What made you decide to join Finish Strong?
A real estate agent that works in my office was working out with Molly first, so I thought I would try. First workout I thought I was going to throw up!
5. Where did you go on vacation this summer?
Northern Maine, most of my family is there.
6. Do you have any pets?
A cat named Rascal.
7. What is your favorite quote?
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop
8. What's your idea of a fun night out?
Out to dinner with my boyfriend then either mini golf or Dave and Busters.
9. What's a favorite workout/challenge/event that you've done at FS?
I thought the pink out workout this past year was really fun.
10. What's your favorite song to workout to?
Anything hip hop or 80’s rock.
11. Where's your favorite restaurant in Myrtle Beach?
I love Burro Loco.
12. What do you like most about Finish Strong?
All the friends and camaraderie of everyone. We are all so diverse yet everyone is so supportive and friendly.
13. If you had to which would you choose: 50 burpees or 100 warrior sit ups?
100 warrior sit up, I hate burpees.
14. How do you relax after a long day?
Lay on the couch and watch “trashy TV”.
15. Do you have any hobbies?
Not really, I like watching sports if there is an NFL game, NASCAR race, or college basketball game on, I’ll probably be watching it.