Feature Friday: Meet Member Brooke Howard

1. Where are you originally from?
I’m originally from Stillwater, Oklahoma.
2. When did you move to Myrtle Beach?
I moved to MB in 1990.
3. How long have you been a member of Finish Strong?
I joined in February of 2017.
4. What made you decide to join FS?
I had my third child in 2015. Before having him, I worked out regularly at the YMCA. With three kids, it was easy to make excuses about why I couldn’t make it back into a gym. I stopped taking care of myself completely and was eating poorly. As a lot of people do, I decided my New Year’s resolution for 2017 was going to be to get back to being healthy with diet and exercise. My goals were pushed back though as I had to have surgery in January for a hernia. As soon as my healing time was over, my sister in law Mamie invited me to go to a bootcamp class with her. I about died in my first class with Bob and almost convinced myself not to go back! I knew so many of the people that attended though and everyone was so welcoming and encouraging that I stuck with it. I’m so glad I did!
5. Where did you go on vacation this summer?
My family and I went on a trip to Peter Island in the US Virgin Islands. It was our first trip as a family of 5 and it was so much fun!
6. Do you have any pets?
Yes, we have a maltipoo named Lily.
7. What is your favorite quote?
“The Lord will fight for you: You need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14
8. What's your idea of a fun night out?
A fun night out for me would be going somewhere fun with my family or date night with my husband at one of our favorite restaurants.
9. What's a favorite workout/challenge/event that you've done at FS?
I know I am the minority in this but I loved the “Bring Sally Up” exercise lol. It was brutal but I felt great when it was over! I also really enjoyed the “Black Dress Challenge” as it helped motivate me to eat healthy and I liked that we were in groups to help motivate and encourage one another.
10. What's your favorite song to workout to?
Any type of rap or hip hop song!
11. Where's your favorite restaurant in Myrtle Beach?
New York Prime.
12. What do you like most about Finish Strong?
What I love most about Finish Strong is that I never know what I am walking into it, each bootcamp is different and so I don’t get bored with doing the same exercises each time. I love that so many people I know attend and everyone is really friendly and encouraging of one another. I also like that the trainers act genuinely happy to help you achieve your goals.
13. If you had to which would you choose: 50 burpees or 100 warrior sit ups?
100 warrior sit ups for sure!!
14. How do you relax after a long day?
Binge watching shows on Netflix lol.
15. Do you have any hobbies?
I enjoy reading when I can find the time!