Feature Friday: Meet Jennifer Fesperman

1. Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in myrtle beach?
I grew up in southern California about 20 min north of Los Angeles. I have been in myrtle beach for 10 years, moved here in 2007!
2. How did you hear about FS?
My friend Jamie told me about it, this was back when all of the classes were at Doug Shaw stadium
3. I know you were a member before and then came back.. What was different about this time? What was your motivation?
Molly had sent me a message about coming back and I knew that I needed to start working out again. I had a big birthday this year and I really wanted to get in shape and be healthier and lose some weight! Coming back to Finish Strong was one of the best decisions I have made.
4. I know you are participating in the LBD (Little Black Dress) Challenge, you look fantastic! Your getting close to the finish line, how exciting! What is your mindset for these last 21 days?
Thank you so much! I can do this! We have all been working so hard in this challenge and I am ready to see the end results!
5. What is your favorite time to workout and why?
I usually workout at 5:15 pm as that is the easiest time with my work schedule, I also do love the lunchtime workouts when I can get them in.
6. What do you like most about FS?
Everything! I have met so many amazing people here. I have made some awesome friends along the way too! Everyone is so encouraging especially the trainers. I love the workouts, especially because they are different every class.
7. What is your favorite quote or life motto?
The secret of getting ahead is getting started-Mark Twain
8. Favorite type of music or song to workout to?
Rap, old school hip hop, but I also like punk and alternative music too. There just has to be music, I don’t like working out if there is no music
9. If you could donate $1,000,000 to a charity, which would you choose?
That’s a tough one, there are so many great ones out there. I would have to say habitat for humanity, I used to be a social worker and I worked with homeless families and I saw first hand how great it was when people finally had a place to call home.
10. Word Association Time: if i say "burpee challenge" what is the first word that comes to mind?
Ugh burpees!!!! But the quicker I start the sooner I will finish
11. How do you relax after a long day?!
Love to have a glass of wine, curl up on my couch with a comfy blanket and read a good book
12. What would be your dream vacation?
Tahiti, which reminds me, I need a vacation!! :)
13. What advice would you give someone just starting a healthier lifestyle?
Just take that first step, even small changes add up and you will be so happy once you have started that you wont want to look back!