Feature Friday: Meet Member Kelly Collier
1. Where are you originally from?

Indianapolis, Indiana. My parents still live in the same house they bought when they were pregnant with my sister and me! My whole family is still in Indy. I lived just 4 miles from my twin sister before moving here. And we have a family CPA practice so I saw her every day at work!
2. When did you move to Myrtle Beach?
November 2015.
3. How long have you been a member of Finish Strong?
Just had 1 year anniversary!!!
4. What made you decide to join FS?
Jessica Lenertz encouraged me to join! I was terrified but she talked me into it and picked me up the first day!
5. Where did you go on vacation this summer?
Disney with the kids and Destin, FL with my siblings/parents/nieces/nephews/hubby & kids!
6. Do you have any pets?
3 year old Shorkie (Shitzu / Yorkie) named Dyno.
7. What is your favorite quote?
My current saying (especially for the kids) is to Kill ‘em with Kindness. You usually can’t go wrong by being kind to people.
8. What's your idea of a fun night out?
Friends and hubby out for dinner & drinks somewhere on the beach, with live music playing.
9. What's a favorite workout/challenge/event that you've done at FS?
My most successful challenge was the November No Sugar challenge last year. My body changed positively and I learned so much about nutrition!
10. What's your favorite song to workout to?
I love ALL music… There just HAS to be MUSIC!!
11. Where's your favorite restaurant in Myrtle Beach?
Now it is Rip Tydz! I’ve even played corn hole on its beach after dinner! Ocean, music, food, drink & fun!
12. What do you like most about Finish Strong?
The people! The team atmosphere. Everyone is always supportive and encouraging, no matter the obstacles or fitness level!
13. If you had to which would you choose: 50 burpees or 100 warrior sit ups?
OMG… 100 warrior sit ups???
14. How do you relax after a long day?
Watching a movie curled up on the couch with my family and a cup of peppermint hot tea!
15. Do you have any hobbies?
I love to dance! I have been a dancer since I was 3! I was a cheerleader for a minor league football team until this past year! It gave me an outlet to dance since I couldn’t be a dance teacher when I grew up.