Feature Friday: Meet Member Debbie Jumper
1. Where are you originally from?

Boulder, Colorado 0-14 years old (yep, I can still ski) and the British Virgin Islands (Tortola) 14-19 (I lived on a sailboat and travelled with my family a couple of those years).
2. When did you move to Myrtle Beach?
2000. Sold our house in Columbia, SC, buried my first dog (that I got in college) before the move, bought a house in MB, and gave birth to our 3rd son. I was terrified that I would be stuck on the 501 bridge over the waterway giving birth over Labor Day weekend. We lived in Arrowhead at the time. Eventful year!
3. How long have you been a member of Finish Strong?
I first joined when Molly had Boot Camp at Doug Shaw, took a break and rejoined when the studio opened. (Bonnie was one of the first ladies I remember meeting☺).
4. What made you decide to join FS?
Originally, it was to gain more energy and improve my overall health.
5. Where did you go on vacation this summer?
This summer was football camp central! My oldest son is 26, works and is on his own, my middle son is now “21” interned in PA the entire summer, and my youngest son, 17 was home working a summer job and conditioning for football. We toured various colleges and hung out at football camps. #boymom
6. Do you have any pets?
Yes, two rescue black lab mixes we adore. We are practicing for an empty nest after two more years of high school!
7. What is your favorite quote?
Ecclesiastes 3 - There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: …When I read this passage in the bible – it reminds me that life is about renewal, remembrance, repentance, rebirth, recycling, and reconnection. It reminds me that the tough stuff in life is temporary and ahead lies a brand new day, a brand new season, and a brand new chance to make the best life possible for ourselves, the ones we love and the ones we do not yet know through the gift of grace.
8. What's your idea of a fun night out?
I enjoy a great dinner out or a good movie with my husband. Girlfriend nights out are fun too. I also enjoy watching football games! (Go Seahawks! Go Seminoles! 91’ Alum) ok… (Go Clemson every game but one!)
9. What's a favorite workout/challenge/event that you've done at FS?
I did make it through a sugar challenge right before Halloween one year. It was tough but I was proud to have completed it and I really did feel so much better. I have loved all the variety of workouts over the years. FS really keeps it fresh!
10. What's your favorite song to work out to?
I like most all music. Getting really used to rap now – ha-ha! As long as music is playing – this ol’ lady can make it through a workout – LOL!
11. Where's your favorite restaurant in Myrtle Beach?
Anytime I don’t have to cook is a restaurant I like! (Ask my husband that one… wink wink!)
12. What do you like most about Finish Strong?
So many things! The variety of workouts, the patient and caring instructors (especially when injured), the events and challenges offered, the fabulous new studio, the flexibility of schedule times offered, and the willingness to hold new classes and try new things. I love the yoga – which I had never tried before FS. The new friendships I have made at 5:15 AM are priceless. I feel better – have much improved energy and basically don’t want to ever quit!
13. If you had to which would you choose: 50 burpees or 100 warrior sit ups?
100 warrior sit ups!
14. How do you relax after a long day?
Maybe a glass of wine with dinner and pass out in front of the TV at 8:53PM cause I have to get up at 4:45AM to make it to 5:15AM BC (that I love!)!
15. Do you have any hobbies?
Right now – my hobby is getting the 3rd son educated, graduated and emancipated into college!