Featured Members: Jillian & Heidi Mann
MOTHER DAUGHTER FEATURE! Check out some funny stories from the Mann family and see what it's like working out as a mother daughter duo.

Originally from?
North Carolina. Moved to Myrtle Beach in 2013.
Jillian- Where did you just graduate from?
I recently graduated (when I say recently, it was literally like 2 days ago) from the University of South Carolina with a degree in Hospitality Management with a minor in Public Relations. Go Gamecocks!
How long have each of you been a member of Finish Strong?
H- I joined in January 2016. I saw Ashley Hoffman’s pic on Facebook (I may have been stalking just a little), and I saw her one day in Studio 77 and asked her about it. My good friend Myla Butler also told me how AWESOME Molly was. So I decided to give it a try.
J- I started out working with the phenomenal Amanda Anthony in May 2016. Then after a month or so, I felt as though I was strong enough to do bootcamp. I still, to this day, can’t thank her enough for all she taught me!
What's something that you think you each have had the most improvement on during class? H- Lunges! I couldn’t do one before without it hurting, now I do them pain free (okay, maybe a little pain, but hey! No pain, no gain). Oh…and pushups!
J- My upper body strength. I used to have the upper body strength of a limp noodle (and that may be pushing it). Oh, and my chin ups! My chin actually goes above the bar (or close to it)!
What is it like doing bootcamp with a family member? Is there a little family competition at times?
H- not for me! It makes me proud to see Jillian giving it her all. To know that she is making herself healthy inside and out.
J- I love doing bootcamp with mom. With a nickname like “Mighty Mouse” (coined by Elizabeth Springs and Myla Butler) she is a force to be reckoned with. I always knew my mom was strong, but everytime we do bootcamp together it inspires me to be like her. I did beat her in a sled pull once, and that was awesome!
Where was your last family vacation?
We went to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic with mom’s side of the family in December. What do you two like to do together for fun? SHOP! We also like, sitting outside on our lanai (fancy name for back patio that’s covered), laying on the couch watching TV, get our nails done (this makes us sound really lazy, but I promise we aren’t)! Drink wine, spend time with Mimi and PopPop (mom’s parents) and mostly just laugh at what the other has to say.
Do you have any pets?
We have two doggies! Dreidel--yorkie Pekingese and Scruffy--border collie sheltie mix
Which bootcamp class is your favorite to come to together?
Friday morning at 7:15 with Laura! Whether it be on the field, or at the beach!
What have you learned from being a member of Finish Strong together?
J- That I am strong! If my head says I can’t do it, I am going to do it anyways, because I KNOW I CAN! It is about going in to the studio, or going to the field, or getting in the sand and giving my all! In those 45 minutes, putting it all in the workout. I love the community that Finish Strong has given me and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me there! You always know when I am there, because I generally am the most vocal with my grunting! Haha!
H- Having been a runner for the last 15 years, including 8 marathons, I have found bootcamp to be the most beneficial for my body physically but most importantly, mentally. I am 53 years old strong and loving my new bootcamp family. Thanks to all the empowering women who make working out an “ I can do it” event.